Sunrise over Mission

Mission Morning

This morning I got up and instead of driving down to the gym (now renamed to Generation Iron from “Inform Fitness”) for a halfhearted run lumber on the treadmill, I put on warm clothes and drove up to Westminster Abbey, in anticipation of a glorious early morning sunrise.  I’ve tried this before, with less than stellar results, but this time luck was on my side, and I was greeted by a very dark Abbey.  I took a few pictures of the Abbey itself, then wandered down the trail to find an overlook.

After a brief reconsideration, that it was still pitch black and it was possible there were bears in the woods that the trail went through, I took a few more pictures of the Abbey.  When the sun started peaking it’s head up though, I raced down the trail and found it ended at a fantastic little lookout point that let one view out the entire valley.

It was not a “perfect” lookout point.  There were two inconveniently placed trees just in the frame where the sun was going to come up, and the angle of the ground made it hard to come up with a strong foreground subject. That said, I audibly said “oh yea baby” when I arrived and found that the entire valley was covered in fog, and I was above it, giving a heck of a great view.

I still managed to do a decent job I think, pointing down and getting some nice light trails from the cars heading to work. This image also serves double duty as I’ll be using it in a new project that will be announcing soon.