Portrait-52 Week #40

Carolee Photoshoot

Carolee, daycare owner, mother, and bad-ass hunter.  Sometimes photoshoots happen in the strangest of places.  I got a call the other week from her saying that her computer was all messed up and could I give her a hand.  I finally got out there today, and trucked along my camera (of course I’d asked if I could use her as a Portrait-52 subject) and a box full of recovery CDs.  Turns out you can bring a copy of Windows XP with a corrupted registry file back to life.  I had to remember a lot of DOS magic to get it though.

What I did forget was that Carolee and her husband are hunters, and instead of a stereotypical “shot by the window” that I was originally going to go for, I figured why not do something a bit cooler.  A hunting jacket, hat, and her “little” target practice rifle, and voilà, week number 40 complete!